Having experienced the doldrums first-hand, Bateman's second wind has been marked by appreciation and kindness. He told GQ that when he was still feeling a bit down in the dumps, he watched an interview with fellow child actor-turned-Hollywood-icon Ron Howard (who appeared on Arrested Development as himself) and felt inspired to change his attitude toward others.
"I remember watching [Howard] be that famous, kind, affable, engaging, almost eager persona, and I remember thinking, 'Boy,' you know, 'there's no way anybody would ever misinterpret that kindness for weakness,'" Bateman said. "And I thought to myself, 'if I'm ever lucky enough to find some relevance again and some access and some success, that's going to be the best part of it, is that I'm going to be as nice as I want to be and not nervous that that's going to be misinterpreted for desperate."
Bateman's notorious niceness has become a feather in his cap and served him well as he navigates his newfound A-list status and continues to grow.